Beitar - Brit Yosef Trumpeldor

Netzivut Beitar be-Lita - Lithuanian governorate




Pupils - Age Groups

Nesharim (Darga Alef) Darga Bet Darga Gimel
Eagles (1st Group) - 10-13 years old 2nd Group - 13-18 years old 3rd Group - above 18 years old



Rosh Kvutza

Squad Leader

Rosh Pluga

Group Leader

Sar Gdud

Detachment Commander

wore on left sleeve

Mifkada Mekomit

Local Headquarters

Mifkada Artzit

National Headquarters


Special thanks to Arie Yariv for providing this information


Lithuanian Beitarim welcome Vladmir Jabotinsky, leader of the Betar at Kaunas (Kovno)
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