Beitar - Brit Yosef Trumpeldor

Netzivut Beitar be-Sin - Chinese governorate


Pupils - Age Groups

Nesharim (Darga Alef) Darga Bet Darga Gimel
Eagles (1st Group) - 10-13 years old 2nd Group - 13-18 years old 3rd Group - above 18 years old



Rosh Kvutza

Squad Leader

Rosh Pluga

Group Leader

Sar Gdud

Detachment Commander

Mifkada Mekomit

Local Headquarters

Netziv Beitar be-Sin

The Governor of Beitar in Chine


These insignia are only approximately speculative. Still searching in archives.


Shanghai Beitarim - Commanding persons of the Jewish Company of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps
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