Beitar - Brit Yosef Trumpeldor
Netzivut Beitar be-Lita - Lithuanian governorate
Pupils - Age Groups
Nesharim (Darga Alef) | Darga Bet | Darga Gimel |
Eagles (1st Group) - 10-13 years old | 2nd Group - 13-18 years old | 3rd Group - above 18 years old |
Rosh Kvutza Squad Leader |
Rosh Pluga Group Leader |
Sar Gdud Detachment Commander |
wore on left sleeve | ||
Mifkada Mekomit Local Headquarters |
Mifkada Artzit National Headquarters |
Special thanks to Arie Yariv for providing this information
Lithuanian Beitarim welcome Vladmir Jabotinsky, leader of the Betar at Kaunas (Kovno) |