Brit Ha-Khashmonaim
Hasmoneans League
Brit Ha-Khashmonaim (Hasmoneans League) pro-Jabotinskian semi-military religious youth (12-18 years old) movement which was acting at Poland and Palestine during the late 1930s early 1940s.
Brit Ha-Khashmonaim principles:
- A Hasmonean is faithful to the God of Israel and is ready to give his life to sanctify God's name, Torah, people, and land;
- hopes for the coming of the Messiah and longs to establish the Kingdom of Israel;
- loves every individual Jew with all his heart;
- intends all his actions to be for the sake of Heaven and is of exemplary character and behavior;
- continues in the tradition of the Hasmoneans and Zealots and is prepared to enlist in the war of liberation;
- scoffs at cowardice and surrender to an enemy and reinstates Israeli heroism and pride;
- and obeys the orders of his officers.
Tiron - Recruit pupil
Khashmonai - A Hasmonean (Pupil)
Segen - Junior instructor
Rosh Kvutza - Squad leader
Mefaked - Chief instructor
Sar Khamishim - Lord of 50
Sar Mea - Lord of 100
Sar Gdud - Group commander
Sar Elef - Lord of 1000